Snapping Turtle hatchlings emerging from their nestBackyard GardenMonarch Butterfly caterpillarConeflower seedheadsA Monarch Butterfly goes from blossom to blossom on our Swamp Milkweed plants.LiliesHybrid Hydrangea
A small, but loud, Spring Peeper blends in with a Hydrangea leaf.Fresh fallen snow covers our back yard.Blooming Ajuga creates a blue carpet for our cart flower pot.A Red Trillium flowering in our woods in early spring.Dandelions are an important early spring food source for many insects. This Honeybee is the first I’ve seen this year.A smaller Snapping Turtle lays eggs just above the stone patioA female Blue Dasher sits on a flowering sage in our garden.An Eastern Gray Squirrel munching on an acorn.Our patio and perennial gardens — an invitation to wildlife in the area.A Red Fox just having killed a Gray Squirrel.Black Bear tracks in our yard after a fresh morning snow this past December.