Our Remarkable Predators


As I picked up the morning paper at the end of our driveway, I turned to look at a deer that had been killed by a car, when two eyes met mine from atop the carcass. A full grown Bobcat, about the size of a Labrador Retriever, sat crouched on the deer, motionless, waiting for […]

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Backyard Unintentionals


I slowly removed the nail that holds the door to the Bluebird house tightly closed. We haven’t had a nesting pair of Bluebirds yet and I was excited at the possibility of one being in there now. I carefully opened the door and there she is, looking right back at me — a gray and […]

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Late Summer Sightings


It’s the end of the summer and fall is not far away. Yet, our garden is as busy as ever with a wide variety of insects, arachnids and other welcome guests. Pollinators are in abundance, going from flower to flower, trying to get as much pollen as they can hold or cover themselves with. Our […]

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What Is That?


We were looking at our raised vegetable beds last summer and noticed our large tomatoes were being eaten by an unknown pest. Big chunks had been bitten out of the green tomatoes with no evidence of who the culprit was. My wife then says, “That’s not a stem attached to the tomato.” She’s right. “What […]

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Birding On The Georgia Coast


A Great Egret fishes along a shallow waterway. A Brown Pelican dives missle-like into the ocean for a morning meal. Yellow-rumped Warblers hop from branch to branch on a Spanish moss-covered Live Oak tree. We’re birding on the Georgia coast. Taking a break from the Connecticut winter, we recently spent some time on St. Simons […]

March 5, 2018

Calling Owls


Suddenly, my wife points to what she describes as a shadow passing through the yard. We point our flashlight to a large White Pine at the side of my brothers’ house. As we flash the light up into the tree, a Barred Owl’s two large, round eyes are peering directly back at us. We’re calling […]

January 31, 2018

Backyard Voyagers — Use Our Senses


The more we use our senses, all of them, in our natural environments, the more we’ll discover and enjoy our experiences. The sights, sounds and smells in our yard are both reminders of plant and wildlife life cycles and indicators of seasons coming and going. The visual impact of a sunrise or sunset, whether subtle […]

January 14, 2018

Backyard Voyagers


An unfamiliar bird calls from the top of a Sugar Maple; loudly buzzing Bumble Bees swarm a patch of Ragusa Roses; a Cooper’s Hawk lands and hops under some hollys, looking up, to see if there might be a potential meal hiding within the leaves. We are Backyard Voyagers. Everyday as I look out on […]

December 28, 2017

Rise Of The Monarch Butterflies


We spot it, about an eighth of an inch long, motionless on the narrow green leaf. The white, yellow and black rings make it easy to identify, even at this size. It’s what we’ve anxiously been waiting to see since last fall. A Monarch Butterfly caterpillar is on one of our two Swamp Milkweed plants. […]

December 27, 2017

Seed The Birds


I remember the song “Feed The Birds” from the movie Mary Poppins. An old woman, covered with pigeons, is feeding bread to the birds from a park bench. Not as healthy for them as natural seeds and berries, but they eat it voraciously. I’d rather Seed The Birds. We’ve created a backyard that entices all […]

December 26, 2017

The Snapping Turtle Nest


She arrived toward the end of June, later than most years, as we were waiting for friends to arrive. At the edge of the woods, over a rock ledge she appeared, stopping at the top to survey her surroundings. There are not many creatures more prehistoric-looking than a full-grown Snapping Turtle. Just about every year […]

December 26, 2017